Collective agreement
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. As a new local, we will be preparing to bargain our first collective agreement and we will be reaching out for your support through the process - stay tuned for more news.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run. As part of the process of building a new local, we have a bylaw committee that is setting up our bylaws; contact us if you have any questions about them.
Benefits for CUPE 5544 members are provided through Canada Life. If you feel you have been unreasonably denied benefits, talk to a member of the executive.
Pensions for CUPE 5544 members are provided through the Public Employees’ Pension Plan (PEPP). If you have questions about your eligibility to participate in the pension plan, or have any concerns or questions, please talk to a member of the executive.